Thursday, January 15, 2009


I will start out with a little background. Sammy has an Expressive Language Delay. He started Speech Therapy and Language Preschool in August. Before he started these things he was mostly communicating by sign language and a few words. Since he began he is now combing words to make short sentences and his vocabulary has increased to about fifty words. He gets better everyday and it has been very encouraging to see the improvement.

Yesterday I had a meeting with our Family Resources Coordinator to talk about what happens with Sammy's preschool when he turns three. The language preschool he is in now is only until age three, then they make a transition to the school dist. So the ladies come over to talk to me about it and to schedule Sammy's evaluation. (He has to qualify in two different areas to go. We are not even sure if he will) This all sounds fine until I ask how often is school...four days a week and they take the bus!!! OMG are you serious the baby is three years old. They said I could drive him but most kids want to take the bus. I am sure that Sammy would love it but what about me??!!! I am going to ball my eyes out putting him on a bus!! I guess I shouldn't worry about it yet!!

Anyway life with a toddler has been interesting lately!! Every day it is something new with that kid. While I was having a meeting with the ladies yesterday Sammy decided to rip the stuffing out of the pillow on the couch, the day before he poured maple syrup on the floor and was driving his car through it. The day before that he smeared Desitin all over his dresser and the list keeps going. I look and him and wonder what are you thinking?? Sometimes it is hard to discipline him because I can't stop laughing. Today we are going to Chuck E Cheese's with I have to get ready.

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