Sunday, January 24, 2010

A Case of the Blahs

I have a little case of the blahs. It is a slow time of the year the weather has been nicer out but we have been spending most day inside. Levi is still a pretty slow walker and gets distracted easily so it takes us forever to get anywhere. I am just getting frustrated with cleaning up messes and the kitchen. Levi is at the age where he gets into everything and I mean that. He will go from one drawer to the next so we stay in the loft and play but I am starting to get bored. Anyway spring is coming soon and Levi will be getting older. This too shall pass right?? I have been horrible at taking pictures so these are the best I got.

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya! Cleaning up mess after mess gets old FAST! I try to look at it as a form of exercise but I can't convince myself of that for too long before I go stark raving mad! Your boys are so handsome! I am looking forward to Spring to arrive as well! We live so close to a park and I am already promising myself that I will take my boys there often! Leave the messes in the house for awhile and get out! Thanks for your post and know you're not alone! ;o)
