Thursday, February 4, 2010


The weeks have been pretty slow but the days seem so busy!! How does that happen. January seemed to drag on forever!! Our weather has been really nice...the days are sunny and not very much rain!! It is great!! I was starting to wonder if maybe I had SAD (Seasonal affective disorder) I have so much anxiety!! I am starting to feel much better. I think part of it is hearing about so much tradegy over the past few months. The earthquake in Haiti and for the people that live in the area then you know about the police officer murders. When I heard about the first one I felt heartbroken and then a month later four more were killed at the coffee shop I felt even more heartbroken and then a month later another officer was murdered I was in shock. I found out later that the last one to be killed worked out at my gym. I remember seeing his picture and thinking he looked so familiar well I guess that is because we worked out at the same time everyday. I always saw him biking and reading a book. I never talked to him but his death has really made me appreciate time. He was there on day and the next just gone!! I want to soak in every minute I can with my family. I don't want to miss a second with my kids. To sum it up I am just tired of the economy and want to see something great happen.

Now that I have that off my chest the kids are doing great. Sammy is working really hard in his preschool workbooks. I just don't know what to do about preschool. I have called a few different places and they just don't seem to work out for me. One was going to cost $500!! I was like I don't need full time day care just a preschool. I know of another one but it is a bit farther than I would like so I need to pray about it. For now we have work books that we look and we play learning games online and we are practicing writing letters. He is doing such a great job.

Levi is getting funnier by the day. He tries to imitate everything we do. So cute!! He is starting to take an interest in tv which I am not going to lie is nice. I can have him sit on the couch for 10 minutes and unload the dishwasher!! His favorite word is daddy. He always picks up the phone and says "daddy daddy" I am looking forward to watching him play with Sammy soon. Here are a few pictures.

1 comment:

  1. (((HUGS))) I know what you mean, its been a depressing month!!! I'm optimistic for February and March though :) Hope you start feeling better.
    I am in the same predicament as you are about preschool. We do not want to drain our budget right now so we are just waiting. I've done lots of research and talking to other moms and at 4 years old our boys are just fine and don't need to go to school just yet. The only reason I want him to is for a break for me and Carter to have some time together. So sorta selfish I guess. We've been doing the same thing as you, workbooks (only when HE wants to) and working on letters. You're doing great! We have awesome boys :)
