Saturday, November 7, 2009

How I Keep Busy

This is how I spend my days...I call him my little tornado!! He goes from room to room making messes but at least it keeps me busy!!


  1. Splish splash...I love how he just slinks away from leaving the water running! Too funny! I love that you call him your little tornado! Perfect. It is amazing how they can destroy something in just seconds that we as mothers spend so much time on! But wouldn't trade them for anything in the world! And next time you and your family are in the area, please let Don and I know, we would love to have you over for dinner!

  2. Thanks that is sweet. We will be down in a couple weeks but we are going to be really busy this time. It is my mother in laws birthday and my sister is home on leave but we will be back again soon I am sure. Any time you are up this way let us know too. It would be nice to see you guys.
