Sunday, November 8, 2009

Eleven Months Old

Levi has less than one month until he is one!! That sounds crazy to me!! He has been standing by himself lately and decided to take his first steps last week...says dada, mama and all done!! He pushes cars on the floor and makes funny car mumbles. He loves his bottles and bananas. I can't wait to celebrate his first birthday!!

The pictures this month were a bit hard to take as they are every month but he is sick. He had a fever of 102 and has an ear infection in both ears. He is starting to feel better but was not a very happy little guy on Thursday. He woke up at 4:30 and I thought maybe he was hungry so I gave him a bottle and we went back to sleep but he woke up pretty quick after that and kept whining and whimpering. He didn't want me to set him down. He threw up later on in the morning the first time ever!! I felt so bad for him. He is on antibiotics so that seems to be helping. He's feeling a bit better now but don't touch his ears!! YIKES!!


  1. I am so sorry to hear that your little guy has been sick. Having sick kids is the pits, you feel so bad for them and sometimes it seems there is little you can do for them. And ear infections are so tough on them! Hope he is getting better! Do you have anything special planned for his first birthday? They grow up fast don't they?

  2. Yes having sick kids is no fun and antibiotics suck!! This poor kid has been sick more in his little life than Sammy ever has. We don't have anything too big planned for his birthday. My family is going to be gone so we are going to just celebrate with our family and have cake. Any reason to have cake right??!!
